Talent Development & Learning Tracks

Your personal growth and development, the best investment ever.

Every day we have a new opportunity to learn from our own experiences, successes and also, our failures. A company or organisation can facilitate this process by consciously investing in the growth and development of its employees. In this way, you can see them grow and you strengthen the ties with your company.

Inspiration4You has developed learning processes based on experiential learning and Eclosive pedagogy® (based on the word for blossoming or discovering) that start from the personal experience of each participant. The applicability of models is always tested against reality and immediately translated into practice.

The learning processes usually run over a longer period (3 months to a year) and are a succession of learning modules, intervision sessions and, where necessary, individual coaching. Such a learning process has a significant impact on each participant and they find it an exceptional experience.

Our apporach

  • A thorough intake to understand the language and expectations of the person we will be working with

  • Determining the themes and, based on this, developing the learning modules

  • Developing contemporary, inspiring practical examples and exercises

  • Informing the participants during a kick-off about the approach and the ground rules

  • A homeopathic approach with learning modules and intervision sessions, with an interval of four to six weeks

  • A permanent evaluation and adjustment based on progressive insight

  • At the end, a closing session with celebrating successes, sharing further points for development and certification

Our different learning plans


  • Discovering your personal qualities, pitfalls and points for development
  • Becoming aware of habits and beliefs that hold you back
  • Developing new insights and skills that can make a difference


  • Binding talents to your organisation with a positive effect on staff turnover
  • Increased self-confidence, reflection and resilience
  • Optimal and situational use of the available talents in the organisation, according to the situation


  • Taking up your responsibility and position within the current situation
  • Daring to make choices to get things moving
  • Demonstrating decisiveness within your sphere of influence


  • Greater decisiveness in tackling challenges for the organisation
  • A more proactive attitude towards ideas for improvement
  • Work smarter and make more effective decisions


  • Showing interest and respect for people with a different background and behaviour
  • Thinking about your own attitudes and preferences and how they influence the formation of your own judgment
  • Encouraging an inclusive, diverse organisation


  • Awareness and reflection on own behaviour and beliefs with regard to diversity
  • A clear improvement in communication skills based on personal feedback
  • A clearly noticeable enthusiasm and commitment to the theme of diversity


  • Measuring, optimising and restoring your resilience
  • Detecting overload in your employees and the impact of stress-inducing factors on resilience
  • Discovering the impact of resilience on emotions and behaviour and learning to rethink things


  • Optimising the resilience of you and your team through concrete tools
  • A clear improvement of the communication skills to make resilience a topic for discussion and to work on it
  • Increasing your personal impact by thinking and acting differently (from impulsive to reflective behaviour)


  • Discovering and developing the commercial opportunities and possibilities in a market that is under pressure
  • Learning to sell without selling by looking for the optimal match with your prospective customer (flow selling)
  • Using your talents and tackling your pitfalls in the different phases of the sales pitch based on your commercial personality profile


  • Optimal connection with a prospective customer, which leads to a long-term customer relationship
  • Making maximum use of your commercial qualities, which leads to a resounding “yes” from your prospective and existing customers
  • Achieving higher sales and a better result based on a respectful win-win relationship


  • Dealing more efficiently with your available time
  • Make more efficient use of the tools you use for communication and follow-up of the work
  • Lower the level of stress you experience


  • You control your time, instead of the other way around, resulting in a feeling of satisfaction
  • You spend the available time optimally
  • You experience more mental serenity

De tools die we kunnen inzetten om het resultaat te versterken zijn:

  • Equicoaching (“Het paard als jouw spiegel”)

  • MBTI® stap I en II   –   DISC®  –  en andere Persoonlijkheidsvragenlijsten

  • Thomas en Kilmann® conflicthanteringsstijlen

  • Veerkracht & Mentale Veerkracht vragenlijsten

  • Roos van Leary

  • 360° feedback assessment tool

  • Insights Discovery

  • Eclosieve pedagogie

  • Lego Serious Play®

  • NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer

  • PCC – International Coach Federation

  • Stakeholder Centered Coaching (Marshall Goldsmith)

  • En nog vele andere gecertificeerde methoden en tools